"You Are What You Think" book -
is a series of Articles for Success -
detailing the Laws that Govern our planet
(Karmic Laws)
that apply to ALL of us Equally
& from which we can NOT escape !
but knowing "HOW" they work & "How-2" work WITH them..... gives Us the knowledge of "How-2" make them work in Our Favor = Knowledge IS Power !!!
I started reading the "You are What You Think" books - in 1975-ish & this has been my motto ever since:
* Whatever You let Your Thoughts DWELL Upon
You CREATE in Your Reality *
Therefore: going into any new experience in Your Life YOU have choices.....
You can think - this is too Hard for me..... I CAN'T do this = You're RIGHT
You can think - this is Easy for me..... I CAN do this = You're RIGHT
it really doesn't matter..... WHATEVER you think = You're RIGHT
Armed with this knowledge.....
it's Your Choice !
Which 1 will YOU choose ?
The full set of "You Are What You Think" articles, for "Book 1" are posted here. You will find mis-spelled words, which I will correct sometime later.
to find ALL "You Are What You Think" book 1 Articles
in the search box type (i.e.): book 1
or type the NAME of the Article (i.e.): Everyone’s Limitations Are Self-Imposed
or type the the # of the Article (i.e.): book 1 - #4
Caroline’s suggestions:
Print out the Contents & find YOUR Article of interest.
to find the List of "Contents" for book 1 = in the search box type: contents
Also, print out that article, find all the sentences that give YOU a "2-Do". Then, when you find the "2-Dos" that you identify with - write out YOUR Specific "2-Do" in the Pg margins.
During each week, work on YOUR "2-Do" list for that week
There are plenty of examples given:
from different Religions & Philosophers
+ the Simplicity of the Karmic Laws (Laws of Karma).....
but nothing in here is religious. There is MUCH that is Spiritual.
Everything in here IS strictly based on the Natural Laws & Principles - that came with planet earth & govern us all the SAME.
(Just as the scientific Natural Law & Principle of “Gravity”, governs us all the same !)
So it only follows that all religions & philosophers have also incorporated these Natural Laws & Principles into their teachings.The FASTEST, EASIEST -&- BEST way to Change Your Reality with these Articles is to start at the beginning & apply, or incorporate, 1-per-week into your life.
The reason you start at the beginning - is because IT'S all about your foundation. You need a foundation to build your Success on !!
You NEED to know & understand the Karmic Laws (Laws of Karma), HOW they work, WHY they work & - "HOW" they apply to Your Life - on a daily basis.
The reason you ONLY apply 1 article per week - is because you want to take the time to actually DO WHAT YOU'VE LEARNED. You want to apply this in small steps, have it sink in -&- take root in your Daily Thoughts & Actions !!!
Just reading thru this does Not Change Your Reality ! Going slowly & applying it Daily WILL produce MASSIVE SUCCESS.
There is only 1 reason I am doing this..... my hope is that by putting this in a blog, on the web, it will reach more people.....
& the more people who "Re-Create their Reality to be what they want it to be"
I think will make the World a better place !
I've been looking for a place to share this info for a couple of decades & - now here it IS - at My Empower Network blog.

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