You Are What You Think book 1
Article #7
My life is an Excellent Adventure from using “You Are What You Think”
Cleaning Out The Subconscious Mind
HAPPINESS AND PEACE of mind are the goals of almost everyone. Most people seem to feel they would find them if certain things were added to their lives. “If only I had this,” or, “If only I could do that.”
often than not happiness depends more on discarding, or giving up,
rather than acquiring. Giving up regrets about the past, fear of the
future, and false concepts about ourselves, such as feeling we are
Our subconscious mind is formed by all of our past thoughts and actions. If we have allowed it to become cluttered with negative thoughts and feelings, it is time to do some spring house-cleaning.
USUALLY WHEN WE start to think about something unpleasant, we take the easy way out and pretend it doesn’t exist.
If we continue to send worthless concepts and unpleasant memories back into our subconscious they will continue to seethe below the surface.
It is easy to understand why you are in a continual state of unrest or anxiety if you liken your subconscious mind to a storeroom, or basement.
IF YOU CONTINUE to throw junk into the basement, it becomes more and more difficult to keep it orderly.
Not only that, no matter how neat the rest of the house may appear on the surface, it can’t help but reflect the untidy basement.
It is the same with the mind. If your subconscious is cluttered up with regrets about the past, the rest of your mind cannot function properly.
IF THIS IS TRUE WITH you as it is with most of us, you can clean out your subconscious mind just as you would your basement.
Suppose you went down into your basement at home for the purpose of cleaning it up.
You would pick up an object, inspect it, and if you decided you no longer had any use for it you would cast it aside. You wouldn’t throw it back down again.
IF THERE IS SOMETHING from the past bothering you, treat it the same way.
The next time you think about it, face it squarely, and admit to yourself that you may have been wrong.
You might say something like this; “It was a mistake, but I didn’t know any better at the time. If the same circumstance were to arise again, I would act differently.”
DON’T BERATE YOURSELF for it was only an experience. If you learn from your experiences they won’t repeat themselves.
Of course, if you don’t extract a lesson from them, your life becomes one round of unpleasant experiences after another, and your subconscious basement never becomes clean.
you have done, (or haven’t done) must be faced up to. Not with a
feeling of guilt, but rather with one of understanding.
MINUTE YOU FACE up to experiences and resolve not to repeat them, they
have lost their power to upset you, because now they are out in the
open, or up on the conscious plane.
There is no reason for them to drop back into the subconscious again, and you will be free from their influence forever.
Many times we cling to old concepts or ideas even though we know they are detrimental to us. In the same way, we hate to part with old relics from our basement at home.
HERE IS AN EXAMPLE of a worthless concept you may be holding: “I’d never be able to accomplish that, because I don’t have the talent, or the will power.”
If that is the way you are thinking about yourself, decide now if you want to carry that concept around with you for the rest of your life.
If you decide you no longer want to, here is what to do – reverse the thought, and say to yourself; “There is nothing in the world I can’t have or do if I cultivate a strong desire for it and work toward it. I have unlimited powers within me and all the obstacles that have been preventing me from attaining my goals are now removed.”
MAKE UP YOUR OWN words if you like, but repeat them often and with conviction. Thoughts and words have much more power when they have belief and emotion behind them.
Soon they will become a permanent part of your subconscious basement and it will become automatic for you to think that way, especially since it has been cleared up and a lot of old concepts removed.
Remember, when you decided to get rid of the negative concepts about your self, you created a void, so there is plenty of room for the new thoughts to enter.
WHAT YOU ARE REALLY doing is reconstructing your mind by getting rid of the all the junk that has accumulated through the years.
You have your own personal thought world. You may bring in what you want, keep what you want, and discard what you no longer want.
THE PRESENT IS THE only time that can possibly count. It is what we do in the present that determines the nature of our past and our future.
As yesterday created today, so are we today creating tomorrow.
WORD of WARNING….. go to: “Read this Pg 1st” at the top to Create MASSIVE Success !!!

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