You Are What You Think book 1
Article #11
My life is an Excellent Adventure from using “You Are What You Think”
Your Potential Powers Are Lying Dormant
WHAT WE ARE striving for is the gradual reconstruction of our minds.
We want to be able to accomplish the things we have always wanted to do, but perhaps didn’t think we were capable of doing.
is why it is so important to guard what you say and think as if your
life depended on it, which it does (your new life, that is).
ONE’S mind is fairly simple, and doesn’t take long, if you practice the
following discipline: Make sure you do everything you say you are
going to do, and that you finish everything you start.
Even if it
is a little task, such as getting dressed, doing the dishes, or cutting
the lawn, FINISH IT ! Don’t say you are going to do something unless
you are SURE you will follow through. Not even to yourself !
you follow this rule, you will soon find that it has become automatic.
Your subconscious mind will know you mean business and will see that
your orders are carried out. Each success, however small, makes the
next step easier. The rewards are greater than you can now imagine !
ONLY THIS WAY will you be able to utilize the powers you possess that have been lying dormant.
Once you have trained you subconscious mind to accept the fact that you won’t stand for disruptions, it will cooperate with you.
you know, the subconscious is the part of the mind that carries out the
order given it by the conscious mind. You can’t expect it to pay
attention to the orders if there has never been conviction or
consistency behind the orders.
built up, you will be able to accomplish anything you start out to do,
however difficult it may have seemed in the past.
If you refuse to
allow yourself to fail in the little things, it will naturally follow
that you won’t fail in the important ones.
When the time comes
that you EXPECT to be successful in everything you undertake, you will
know that you are well on your way in your new life.
GRADUALLY come to the realization that your mind has limitless powers. Everything you have ever desired can be yours if the desire is
strong enough and the motive pure ! You are finding this out for yourself to the extent that you are controlling your thoughts.
If you want something and BELIEVE you can attain it, you will have it.
only reason you didn’t always achieve your goals in the past is that
you let the intellectual, or reasoning part of your mind (the conscious
mind) talk you out of them.
or “you don’t deserve any better,” or “that is out of reach,” it would
say, and your subconscious would accept these affirmations as true, and
sure enough they would be true, because you BELIEVED them.
Now that you know you are the master of your mind, AND THAT THINGS HAPPEN TO YOU AS YOU BELIEVE, those days are over.
repeat: It is best at the beginning when the reconstruction of your
mind hasn’t progressed very far, to choose goals that your conscious
mind can’t talk you out of too easily.
YOU MAY HAVE been negative
in your thinking for so long that if you aspire to something that is too
far removed from your ordinary experiences your intellect would reject
it. The message would never reach your subconscious. If it did, it
wouldn’t have enough conviction behind it to make an impression.
is an example: If a person has been in average financial circumstances
all of his life and suddenly decides that he will have a million
dollars by next Tuesday, his intellect would immediately reject the idea
as being impossible. The thought would be “screened out” and that
would be the end of it.
On the other had, if the same person
aspired to receiving five hundred dollars in thirty days (or some amount
that although unlikely he could at least see as being possible) he
would get it if he followed these principles.
could fail to obtain your goal would be because of a lack of belief in
your ability to achieve it. That is why you must train your mind first
by giving yourself small goals and making sure you accomplish them.
will come, perhaps in very unexpected ways, and when they do you must
MOVE to take advantage of them, without questioning.
is nothing that we cannot have or become if we will use the tremendous
power of creative anticipatory thought, outwards, toward our
objectives. We only think that we are weak and the victims of
circumstances and blind chance !
WORD of WARNING….. go to: “Read this Pg 1st” at the top to Create MASSIVE Success !!!

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