You Are What You Think book 1
Article #15
My life is an Excellent Adventure from using “You Are What You Think”
Life - A Series Of Experiences
MOST OF US have a feeling, however vague it might be, that life has more to offer than has been made evident to us.
with this feeling usually comes a desire for self-improvement. We
begin to realize that if life does have more to offer, it will depend on
ourselves and our own efforts.
In order to gain a
better understanding of our lives up to now, and to find out why
certain things happened to us, there are these points to consider:
SHOULD NOT try to analyze each experience we have been through.
Instead we should recognize everything we have been through as just
that; a series of experiences.
If they experiences have been
unpleasant, we must extract a lesson from them, so they won’t be
repeated. Regard each experience you are going through as a test. If
it is not passed, it will have to be taken again. If we fail the test
by not learning the lesson we will have to face it again until we do
pass it.
We will probably find that we have buried, or repressed,
the memories of some of our unpleasant experiences. If so, they have
become a part of our subconscious minds, for the simple reason that we
refuse to face them.
ALTHOUGH THEY have long been buried they have
not lost their power to influence our lives. We don’t fear something
we can see nearly as much as that which is hidden.
If one has had
unpleasant experiences in the past, (and who of us has not ?) one should
think of them as being caused by ignorance. Ignorance of the natural
laws of life, which weren’t made by Man but have always been here for
Man to live by.
A good example of this ignorance is our failure to
follow the Golden Rule, which admonishes us to treat others the way we
would like to be treated.
IT HAS BEEN proven over and over that we
would be much happier if we thought more of others and less of
ourselves. This principle is found in every great religion and
philosophy. If you don’t agree with it try it for a week and you will
see the results.
Natural laws are not necessarily the same as
criminal laws. One may not be jailed for breaking them as he might be
for breaking a criminal law.
The foregoing statement may not be quite true. Sometimes we are in a jail of our own creation if we don’t follow them.
HOW CAN PEOPLE call themselves free if they feel they must put their own comfort above that of their neighbors ?
Face your past experiences with understanding, and extract from them the lessons that were meant to be learned. With your new-found knowledge refrain from repeating past mistakes.
you have done all that is possible for you to do. Say good-by to the
feelings of guilt you have been burdened with. The convict Paul in my
last column was a wonderful example of how we can learn from our
experiences and therefore rectify our mistakes.
WE HAVE come to a thorough understanding of life as being a series of
experiences and tests the road is much easier. We come to the
realization that each of us is constantly creating our own future by the
thoughts we have and the actions we perform in the present.
we think we are being punished by some outside force it simply is not
true. We are not being punished for our actions, we are punishing
ourselves by our actions. In the same way we are not rewarded for doing
good deeds, we reward ourselves by doing good deeds.
When you think you are being rewarded or punished, think of yourself as being the rewarder and the punisher.
TO the law of cause and effect, everything we think or do will come
back to us in like form. As long as we realize that we have freedom of
choice, we can’t complain if our life isn’t all we would like it to be.
After all, nobody is stopping us from changing our thoughts and our
The law of cause and effect is also called “Karma.” It
plays no favorites whatsoever. It decrees that all of us, no matter how
rich or powerful, must reap what we sow. We will eventually face the
consequences of our actions, whether they are pleasant or unpleasant.
It works both ways.
What a difference this would make in the life
of one who fully understood its true meaning. As soon as we come to the
realization that we are the creators of our own destiny, we would
automatically have to stop blaming others, and holding resentments.
IT BECOMES CLEAR that we, and we alone, determine our like’s direction.
More important, we discover that it is never too late to change the course of that direction.
Select only thoughts and emotions that will produce harmony in your life.
we likened your subconscious mind to a willing servant. It does not
recognize good or evil any more than the soil of the earth recognizes
the difference in the seed planted. It merely brings forth what is
planted in it. The subconscious brings forth what is impressed upon it,
and you are the one who does the impressing with your thoughts.
Everything is produced after its own kind and the seed is within itself.
We and we alone are the creators of our lives, and the thoughts we
think and the actions we perform in the present are the only determining
WORD of WARNING….. go to: “Read this Pg 1st” at the top to Create MASSIVE Success !!!

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