Saturday, September 8, 2012

You Are What You Think book 1 – #18: “Losers” Supply Winning Suggestions

You Are What You Think book 1

Article #18 

My life is an Excellent Adventure from using  “You Are What You Think

“Losers” Supply Winning Suggestions

THIS COLUMN is directed to the young.  The suggestions it contains come from an unexpected source.  In fact, at first glance, it would seem to be the worst possible source !

It comes from men who have been “losers” most of their lives.  They have reached the “end of the line” at the maximum security facility, Folsom State Prison.

Why would anyone seek advice from these men ?  Because people who have reached the bottom of the ladder and are on the way back up, can tell us things the average person can’t.

THESE MEN HAVE learned the hard way, from personal experience, not just from books.

They have a tremendous desire to pass on their knowledge to you.  They feel that if they can be instrumental in keeping one young person from following the same path they took, their lives will be justified.

I met with a group of these convicts each month.  Recently an interesting subject came up.

WE AGREED that almost all of us, at some stage of our lives, wish we could start over again.

However, being realistic, we agreed that if we were given this chance we would do about the same as we did the first time around.

Otherwise how could we assume that we would do differently ?

This led to a very profound question:  “What is the knowledge and understanding we would have needed in order to have avoided the mistakes we made ?

THESE ARE THEIR conclusions:  If these men could start life over again, they would want to have a better understanding of the Law of Cause and Effect.

This law decrees that we reap what we sow.  The Law of Compensation does not allow us to sow thoughts and actions of one kind and reap the fruits of another.

Formerly these men thought that it didn’t matter what they did as long as they weren’t caught.  For example, they would steal and expect to be happy with their gains.

HOWEVER, they found that even when they “got away with it” they were punished by the Law of Cause and Effect.  The anxiety and remorse they suffered by their acts more than offset whatever brief enjoyment they may have experienced from their stolen goods.

Most of us think we are the victims of our environment and have no control over our circumstances.  These men have found that this is not true, and they want me to pass this information on to you.  (Imagine, this comes from those whose circumstances and environment could hardly be worse.)

How would a knowledge of the Law of Cause and Effect help us to control our lives and our circumstances ?

THE PRISONERS believe that a statement made by the great American psychologist William James should have a profound effect on everyone’s life.  Some of them carry this statement around with them so that they will be constantly reminded of it.

Shortly before his death in 1910, James was asked what he considered to be the greatest discovery of his lifetime.  Instead of giving an obvious answer such as man’s learning to fly, or other great inventions of his time, he said without hesitation:  “The greatest discovery of my lifetime is that a man can change the circumstances of his life by changing his thoughts, and his attitudes.”

In earlier columns I have given examples of how the convicts used this knowledge to change their lives for the better inside prison walls.  Here is another that happened recently:

“MAC” HAD A FAVOR to ask one of the prison officials.  The official was very short with him, saying he could not help because he was going on vacation.

“Mac” had already become aware of the importance of a good attitude, so he smiled and said, “O.K., have a good vacation.”

“What did you say ?” snarled the official.  “I said enjoy your vacation,” Mac repeated.

THE NEXT MORNING he received a notice to report to the warden’s office.  There the official apologized to him for his curtness in front of several other convicts, who stood with their mouths open in utter disbelief.  A high prison official apologizing to a convict for being impolite !

“Mac” will soon go out into the world, as have others before him who have learned about these simple principles and laws.  He will go secure in the knowledge that he will reap what he sows.  He also knows he has freedom of choice to direct his life.  The thoughts and actions he chooses each day will be the determining factor.

The convicts want you to know that if your life is unhappy and you are not looking forward to the future, it is because of your past negative thoughts and acts.

YOU HAVE THE POWER within you to change it right now !

WORD of WARNING…..  go to:  “Read this Pg 1st”  at the top to Create MASSIVE Success !!!

Hopefully NOW, YOU will continue to Change Your Reality…..

when you get to KNOW & APPLY

the Karmic Laws  (Laws of Karma) 

in the  “You Are What You Think”  books

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