You Are What You Think book 2
Article #1
My life is an Excellent Adventure from using “You Are What You Think”
Growth Based on Beliefs – Not Will Power
IT IS NOT what you want that you attract to you; you attract to you what you believe to be true. You should always be aware that the subconscious mind accepts your beliefs as true whether they are true or not.
You will manifest the sum total of your subconscious beliefs. For example, you may “want” more money, but don’t believe you are capable of earning it. Perhaps you don’t believe you deserve more worldly goods than you now have. Therefore, you don’t attract more to you.
You may “want” to be more self-confident, but deep down inside you believe you are destined to remain as you are, so you do.
AS LONG AS you hold on to negative beliefs about yourself, your life will not change.
Many people are looking for “gimmicks” to enable them to realize their desires. They have been given the impression that there is some magic formula. “First you do this, then you do that.”
The main thing to remember is that growth doesn’t come from the outside, it must come from within, outward.
To change your beliefs, and attract the better things of life to you, you must change your consciousness. When that changes, the outer things change. Your consciousness is the sum total of the beliefs you now have, and have ever had. It is actually you, the way you are.
REALIZE YOU don’t have to believe anything you don’t want to believe ! Most of our beliefs come from our early conditioning. You are not going to change them just because someone told you you should.
The things that really matter, such as peace of mind, can’t be bought, they must be earned. The change must come from the inside out. You probably think that if out-side conditions would only change, your beliefs would change. Actually, the exact opposite is the truth.
For example, if someone spends most of his life living in poverty conditions he most likely will remain there. He gradually acquires the consciousness of poverty and remains in that state because that is all he has ever experienced.
IN ORDER TO effect a change, he would have to understand that the belief that he must always be poor is false. He would refuse to accept this premise, and know that it is at least possible that he can live abundantly. Then he would strive to acquire the “abundance consciousness.” Unless he were able to accomplish this change in his beliefs, he would be unable to attract abundance to himself.
If our beliefs don’t change, our consciousness does not change. If our consciousness does not change, our life does not change.
Most of us are bound by our limited expectations. We only expect so much, and so we only receive so much. If we wish to receive more, whether it is of a material or spiritual nature, we must enlarge our expectations.
AS A CHILD, you may have been told that certain accomplishments were beyond your capabilities. You naturally believed what you were told, and as a result passed up many opportunities by failing to try.
You were probably told that there is a limit to what you were capable of doing, and to what you could expect from life. Stop and think for a moment. Who put the limit there ? Some unseen hand ? Or some God up in the sky ?
I think you will come to the conclusion that man sets limits with his own mind, and then puts his beliefs in those limits. Eventually someone comes along and proves these man-made limits were false, but instead of now realizing that there are no limits, he sets new ones, and put his beliefs in them until they, too, are broken.
ONE DAY a wonderful person visited Folsom prison with me and talked to the convicts I meet with each month. He is a teacher of Yoga who has established schools and temples all throughout India and Australia.
He was kind enough to take a day from his world tour to enrich the lives of a few hardened criminals. This is what he taught them concerning beliefs and consciousness:
“If you really want to rob a bank, it is not likely that you will be able to develop enough will power to keep you from doing it.”
HE EXPLAINED that their consciousness must be raised by changing their beliefs about themselves and life in general. When that was accomplished they would no longer have the desire to steal, and will power would not be necessary.
We must change our beliefs about everything that has proven detrimental to us, including the belief in our own inadequacies and limitation.
IT IS DOUBTFUL if we will be able to overcome these beliefs about ourselves by gritting our teeth and “vowing” never to think or act that way again. The change must come from within so that believing this way would actually be foreign to our nature.
It is a change in consciousness that will bring riches into your life.
Have a Spectacular Day….. I am
Caroline T’ Star
Hopefully NOW, YOU will continue to Change Your Reality…..
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