You Are What You Think book 1
Article #2
Thought Power Neglected
THE POWER OF thought is taught by every religion and philosophy, and yet it is generally overlooked.
of our great teachers and philosophers have told us that our whole life
is but the outer manifestation of our inner thought. Whatever we give
our attention to, or let our minds dwell upon, becomes our experience.
We are seeing this happen at the present time as our country is thinking itself into a depression, with the help of the media.
IF THE ABOVE IS TRUE, then all we have to do to change our circumstances for the better is to change our thinking !
fact, that is what the great psychologist William James said when asked
what he considered the greatest discovery he had ever seen.
James died in 1910, so one would have thought he would have said “Man’s learning to fly,” or any one of dozens of great inventions.
HESITATION, however, he said “The greatest discovery of my generation
was that a man can control the circumstances of his life by controlling
his thoughts and his attitudes.”
He also said, and this is most important, “Every thought is MOTOR in its consequences.”
before James said the same thing. Three thousand years ago the great
Greek philosopher, Hermes, said “As within, so without.”
BUDDHA SAID, “A man’s life is the direct result of his thoughts.”
The Bible says, “As a man thinketh, so is he.”
has been a great deal written about the subconscious mind and its
functions, but its importance in our every day lives is seldom stressed.
MY OPINION, the only philosophy that is useful is that which will make
our daily living happier and more interesting and productive.
All that is needed is a simple understanding of the way the mind works, and a realization of the importance of the way we think.
know this is true from personal experience. I have seen scores of men
change their whole personalities as well as their circumstances right
before my eyes in a very short time simply by learning to control their
For over ten years I have conducted a class at Folsom State Prison on a
regular basis. All I do is show the
convicts that they have the power within their own minds to determine their
future, regardless of their present condition.
Once they realize this, changes begin to take place. Hopefully, these changes are permanent.
At least the rate of recidivism for those who have been released is less than two per cent so far.
CONSCIOUS MIND does the thinking, and the subconscious brings our thoughts into
existence, to the extent of the power behind the thought.
If we are constantly thinking thoughts of hate, envy, anxiety, weakness, fear or other negative thoughts, how could we expect to experience anything else ?
It is said that thoughts actually take form, so if we let out minds dwell on certain conditions long enough, those conditions will become a reality.
ABOUT THE things you want to experience.
Remember this: The
subconscious mind functions only under orders.
Think of
yourself as being the motor, and this subconscious mind the engine. The motor (you) must start the engine before
the engine can work. The engine has
tremendous power.
Once started, you must guide it in the direction you want it to go, just as you would guide your car.
AN UNGUIDED MIND is like an unguided car; it flounders around but doesn’t really get anywhere.
Try to
attain a constant feeling of CONFIDENT EXPECTATION.
All the
great teachings tell us that if we expect good things to happen, we attract
them to us; and of course, the reverse is also true.
SHARE WITH you many dramatic examples of ways I have seen the mind work to
perform miracles in the lives of men who had no hope at all.
Also I will show how we can use it to get rid of unwanted habits, feelings of guilt and resentment, and in fact remove any limits we have imposed upon ourselves.
Each one of
us creates a world of his own, which is but a reflection of his thought.
WORD of WARNING….. go to: “Read this Pg 1st” at the top to Create MASSIVE Success !!!

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