CARE: The Missing Potion
CARE IS INTERESTING BECAUSE THE lack of care can drain your spirit and overcare drains you also.
I will elaborate. Caring for people is a feeling or frequency that comes from the heart. The planet is at present suffering from the lack of true caring between individuals and people of other countries. This is because of the illusion that caring creates a vulnerability for being hurt, or “walked on” and abused. It can seem that way but it’s not necessarily true, if you understand the wholeness of your energy system (your body, mind, emotions and heart). True caring comes from the heat and true heart feelings are regenerative, for the sender and for the receiver of heart energy. People pride themselves on keeping their heart closed around crowds of people. They think they are protecting themselves but it is an illusion. When you gain self-security by learning to live from the heart, you will find that opening the heart and loving more is the best protection of all. Efficiency in relationships, in business, and personal management comes much easier through the expression of love.You can work and interact with people for years in surface level relationships governed by the mind. You can exist that way but it is half living, kind of like sleep-walking. Until you open up and love more, you could be missing the fun and vitality in life that comes from true heart expression. Don’t choke up and be scared to express deeper levels of care. Caring does help revitalize and psychically lubricate your energy system. As people learn to care more, many of the human ailments will start to decline and much more peace and fun will be experienced. I’m not a philosopher or an idealist but I do have a keen eye for “make-sense”. The overload of planetary stress proves that the “non-caring way of existing” doesn’t make sense, yet it makes plenty of non-sense creating overloads of stress.
While struggling for more efficiency, the majority of people overlook the possibility that deeper caring is one of the most efficient energy expenditures a human or business can make. Sometimes it doesn’t seem that way in the short run, but the “stress-mess” that results in the long run from not caring enough is obvious from a planetary standpoint. People are trapped in mindsets because they’ve practiced non-caring and surface-level relating for so long that they think it is natural to do so. It’s the opposite --- it’s not natural at all. It’s living to survive, not living to enjoy the fun and fulfillment offered in the experience of life. If life is seemingly good now, then loving and caring for people at deeper levels could still make it better and then some. If you feel that you do love and care a lot, check and see if it is for a certain few that you are attached to, or a small circle of family and friends. The point I’m making is that people care for others but in small isolated groups, or lovers, family, etc. it can be in your favor to expand your radius of care out to more people until you can do it to all people. That may seem hard to stat with at first, but it’s because people haven’t practiced it that way. They mechanically close their heart off and wonder why the universe doesn’t arrange life to suit their convenience.
EVEN IF PEOPLE DON’T SEEM TO LOVE or care for you, it is still worth your effort to love them to whatever degree you can. Why ? I’m glad you asked me that. When you send out love, it has a serious regenerative effect on your system --- mental, emotional and physical. It acts as a solvent within your system, which cleans out the residue of “stinking thinking,” resentments and old hurts and pains. That’s called psychic garbage. Psychic garbage ages you and dilutes the spirit from your energy system more rapidly that you think. People’s inner psychic garbage could be their number one enemy, yet they blame other people, places and things for their misery. So, learning to live and care more is especially valuable for dissipating the psychic build-up within your own system. If you don’t believe that love is magical then wait until someone close to you stops loving you and you will get a quick education on the power of love. That’s not the greatest way to experience the power of love but the inversion makes the point I’m conveying.
The problem is that love and care feel so good that people are scared of it. When planetary intelligence increases, trust me, people will be more aggressive in their expressions of love and care. Let me repeat: if you care more deeply for people, it regenerates and revitalizes your own system, even if they don’t care to return it. This is about the business of self-maintenance, not religion and Sunday school. If religion helps you to love or care more, that’s fine. However, you can love and care while operating out of your own church --- the church of yourself. It’s a smart energy investment. Open up and care more, at least as an experiment, and you may eventually realize that it is the natural way the human system works most efficiently.
While struggling for more efficiency, the majority of people overlook the possibility that deeper caring is one of the most efficient energy expenditures a human or business can make.
The following is probably said a million times each day: “If I open up and care more, then people will take advantage of me and I’ll end up hurt or used”. Let me address that please. People are not hurting or taking advantage of you as much as you think. It’s you giving them the power to do that because of your own insecurities. It’s not because you love or care for them. You can love and care for people and still draw a line between use and abuse of your energies. If these people are going to use and abuse you, they will do it anyway, in many cases, whether you care for them or not. It’s just that you have to learn to care without overcaring. Care regenerates. Overcare devitalizes your energy system. You can care for someone and not have to give them the license to drag you around the block. The kind of love and care that you think makes you vulnerable, is love that developed into attachment. That’s the overcare I’m talking about. With practice, you can train yourself to draw the line between love and attachment. Attachment can have some love mixed in with it, yet attachments is still a different energy. It’s the act of putting too much energy investment into someone else to obtain some sort of security for you. Wake up. Finally realize that you can’t get your security from other people, you have to develop that within yourself. As you learn to express love and caring more deeply, it helps you to develop more self-confidence and self-security that will insulate your energy from being victimized by people or life.
REMEMBER, IT’S THE OVERATTACHMENT of your emotional investment in people that causes the pain; it’s not the love and care that drains your system. I understand that it seems the same to many of you; try to find a deeper understanding about it and save yourself a lot of stress. Don’t hold back your caring because of fear and self-preservation. You can go through life that way but not necessarily experience living in the process. If you can’t love people for people’s sake, then love them for your sake. If it’s love, it all ends up the same. When you love people you are definitely loving yourself because when that energy passes through your system, you benefit tremendously from it. Even if your motive is not to benefit from it, you still do. It’s okay. True care is a gift for all. Unconditional love or care seeks nothing in return. Still, when you send love out, love comes back. Even if you are not looking for anything in return for your love, the law of love causes it to “return to sender.” Unfortunately, if hate, anxieties, or other negatives go out, that brings a return of the same, also. So, learning to put out more love is more efficient for yourself and the planet. Conditional love is more like one-third love and two-thirds attachment and expectancy. Once you understand the difference, you will cut a lot of stress and avoid much pain in life. Play with it and practice caring more deeply without the expectations and see if it doesn’t feel good to your system. Learn the difference between care and overcare through practicing self-management. Listen to and follow your heart if you are truly interested in self-management. It sounds simple but what isn’t simple, once you know and can achieve something through practice ? Watch your decisions daily and truly assess whether they are coming from the head or the heart. Once you realize that you have a choice, then you can change some of the same old scenarios in your life that repeat themselves because of following the head, while thinking it’s the heart. Caring more for others and yourself builds heart power and sensitivity to your heart directives.
Until people care more, you can expect the stress levels to remain current and to even increase with time.
Self-maturity, finally, is learning that you have to become your own “stress-buster.” The practice of caring more is a good place to start. Remember, it’s a business practiced by the smart. Be heart-smart and spend your energies wisely. Thank you for caring enough to read this.
I've been associated with this group since they started
& got this info during those early years, but to my knowledge,
Care: The Missing Potion… is Not on their website at this time.....
so just print it out ~ look for -&- DO the "2Dos" above
to Change Your Life for the Better !
& got this info during those early years, but to my knowledge,
Care: The Missing Potion… is Not on their website at this time.....
so just print it out ~ look for -&- DO the "2Dos" above
to Change Your Life for the Better !

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