Is "Soda Bad for You" ?
Well by all accounts it's Not Good for You !
Gotta a soda addiction ?
or just NEED Your Soda Fix..... like this little guy ?
for some folks the answer is YES.....
(if you enjoy funny animal videos - watch this youTube video = it's Hysterical)
Well, think about this for a minute: IF Diet soda really worked & made you thinner = wouldn't you be thinner by now ?
Even if it doesn't work for You = Is "Soda Bad for You" ?
according to MY knowledge from years past:
What Your Soda Can Doesn't Tell You...
is that when Soda Companies offer the test results for the "negative/harmful effects" of the substance in cans - their tests are Not based on the ordinary fact that
- they produce the product
- truck it to the Distributor's warehouse
- where it stays until a company (like a chain store) orders a portion of it
- then it goes to chain store's warehouse
- then to the storage area - in their store
- then to their shelf
- then to your fridge
- & finally into you !
& I've head claims that it takes a whole lot longer than the test results for the "negative/harmful effects" of the substance in cans
So, whether or not "Soda Bad for You" ? the time it spends stored in cans..... MAY BE !?!
Try Some Tasty, Healthy Alternatives to Soda.....
But personally I'd stay AWAY FROM stuff in cans !
are: juice & juice mixes, tea & tea mixes, water also now
flavored, coffee & tons of optional coffee flavors, smoothies of all
kinds, etc & for better health make your own varieties of FRESH juice & smoothies at home... even with an additional protein powder mixed in !!!
Personally I think Honeydew Mellow juice is the closest you can get to an aphrodisiac = for real !!!!!!!!!!!

if U think soda is OK 4 U = leave a comment below now !
& if U think it's NOT OK 4 U = like this &
share it with Family, Friends & neighbors that drink soda !!
-or- share it with folks who just like to laugh !!!
and, what do you think now.....
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