Master Tonic: for ordinary infections, ½ an eyedropper, taken five to six times a day will deal with most conditions. It can be used during pregnancies, is safe for children & dogs [use smaller doses] & as a food is completely nontoxic.
Make up plenty; Master Tonic does not need refrigeration & lasts indefinitely without any special storage conditions.
1 part fresh garlic cloves [anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-parasitical]
1 part fresh white onion, hottest onions available [similar properties of garlic]
1 part fresh grated ginger root [increases circulation to the extremities]
1 part fresh grated horseradish root [increases blood flow to the head]
1 part fresh cayenne peppers [the hottest peppers available, i.e., Habanero, African Bird or Scotch Bonnets, etc.; a great blood stimulant.

Best source I've found for powered African Bird Cayenne, is from Lhasa
Karnak in Berkeley, CA, because of the owner's Integrity regarding the
Quality of his Herbs... they ship anywhere & it's about $1 per
ounce in 2012. My personal results using this - were excellent ! *)
Fill a glass jar three-fourths of the way full with equal parts by volume [e.g. a cupful each] of the above peeled, fresh, chopped or grated herbs.
Then fill up the rest of the jar to the top with raw unfiltered, unbleached, non-distilled apple cider vinegar (with the 'mother' in it *). [The solution should look brown & milky (or really red if you use cayenne).]
Close & shake vigorously & then top off the vinegar if necessary.
Shake at least once a day for two weeks; then filter the mixture through a clean piece of cotton [an old T-shirt works], bottle & label.
Make sure that when you make Master Tonic that you shake it every time you walk by it, a minimum of once a day !!!
All the herbs & vegetables should be fresh [organically grown if possible], & use dried herbs only in an emergency.
The dosage for Master Tonic is one-half to one ounce, two or more times daily [one to two tablespoons at a time]. Gargle & swallow.
[Don’t dilute with water.]
If you gargle & swallow Master Tonic let me know.
What a lot of us do is put the Master Tonic into an eyedropper bottle & take several eyedroppers, by laying down - placing the tip of the eyedropper at the back of our tongue & squeezing the Master Tonic down our throat.The nickname for Master Tonic is "Fire Tonic" & it burns like heck when it touches the taste buds.
But by swallowing it from the back of the tongue, you bypass the taste buds & the FIRE. All that happens is your salivary glands respond to a tasty, comfortable warm feeling ! *
Master Tonic was passed along to me from Paul in Modesto, CA. He got it from his 20 Yr old, microbiologist buddy in Australia.
When you see (*) it means -I HAVE ADDED My own info or comments- to this recipe.

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