You Are What You Think book 1
Article #25
My life is an Excellent Adventure from using “You Are What You Think”
Be As Happy As You Want To Be
THE WORLD is rapidly changing for many people. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that many people’s lives are rapidly changing.
who had reason to believe they were financially secure for the rest of
their lives have lost their jobs. Others have lost a large part of
their savings in the stock market or because of inflation.
A large number of people today are facing a common problem, the loss of a loved one through death or divorce.
death may be a sudden one, leaving the survivor in a state of shock and
disbelief. Perhaps a long illness proceeded, yet one is never truly
prepared to lose a loved one.
MORE DIVORCES are taking place after
many years of marriage than ever before in our history. Thousands who
felt secure in the belief that their marriage was a lasting one have
experienced a rude awakening. They are suddenly faced with a complete
change in their life-styles, and many are afraid they will not be able
to cope with it.
Fortunately, everyone has an inner strength that
enables him to cope with any situation. Unfortunately, many are not
aware that they have it.
LIFE NEVER GIVES US a test that we are not capable of passing !
first step in tapping this inner strength so desperately needed at a
time like this is the realization that it is there. If you were living
in poverty and a million dollars was placed in a bank account for you,
they money would be worthless if you didn’t know you had it and then
made use of it.
Even then, the realization of your wealth would
come slowly. You would probably find it difficult at first to adjust to
the fact that you could have anything you wanted, especially if you had
been forced to deny yourself all of your life.
I doubt if you
would be able to buy something as expensive as a yacht right away, for
instance. Your intellectual mind would have difficulty in believing
that you could actually afford it. After a period of buying less
expensive things your mind would become adjusted to the fact that
nothing was beyond your reach.
THE SAME PRINCIPLE applies to the
inner strength we all possess. It’s like money in the bank, but useless
if we don’t know it is there and know how to use it.
This inner
strength will never fail to comply with any and all demands we put upon
it. If you went to the lake to get some water the lake wouldn’t care if
you took a cup or a bucket, it would simply give you as much as you
In a situation where a sudden loss has occurred, a
recognition and acceptance of this inner strength is needed
immediately. Important decisions will have to be made. Many times the
person has not had to make decisions for years, because the other person
in his life made them.
LEARN TO depend on yourself in life’s
situations. When a sudden or difficult situation arises, let your first
thought be, “What shall I do ?” not “Whom shall I ask for advice ?”
You will probably have to start with small things. Make
a decision and don’t deviate from it, no matter how unimportant it may
seem. We make decisions every day without realizing it. Even if it is a
simple one such as deciding to go shopping at a certain time, or making
a phone call, make sure you follow through.
In a short time your decision making ability will improve. Your
subconscious mind will know that when you make a decision you mean
business and it will see that whatever you decide upon will come to
THIS WAY you are proving to yourself that you are in control of your life. Always bear in mind that each time you make a decision you gain strength and become better able to make the next one.
is nothing wrong with seeking help, but try at least one solution of
your own before you do. Even if you are wrong, you will be in a better
position to make a more accurate decision the next time
Take the
direct approach to every problem. Never refuse to make a decision, no
matter how small or insignificant it might be. Don’t back away from
accepting responsibility or facing personal problems. Occasionally you
will have to decide to do something that is disagreeable. That is
good. Anyone can take the line of least resistance and do the things he
likes to do.
REMEMBER, you have unlimited inner strength which
will see you through any situation ! You do not have to rely on your
“little self” in times of difficulty. This inner strength is in
everyone. Don’t hesitate to call on this power. It is yours to use
when needed. Even Jesus said, “As for myself, I do nothing. It is the
Father within who doeth the works.”
This is the turning point of
your life. Look upon it as a new beginning, as discouraged as you might
be at this time. Perhaps some day you will look back and say, “I am
grateful I discovered the strength within me to get through that
difficult period of my life.”
It is very important at this time
that you practice persistence. Learn to be thorough. Keep your mind
centered on the thing you are doing. This will help you keep your mind
off yourself and your immediate problems. Do it now and do it right.
the mind is the most powerful tool in the world, and it is yours to
command. Don’t under any circumstances let your mind be filled with
regrets and resentment about the changes that have taken place. These
resentments are only harming you. They are using energy that should be
applied to your new life.
IF YOU ALLOW these negative emotions to
smolder on the inside they will cause you much suffering. If you cannot
train yourself to let go of emotions like hate, envy, jealously, greed,
etc. they will attract to you unpleasant conditions, which are the last
thing you want at this time.
As difficult as it will be, try to replace them with cheerfulness, thankfulness, and love.
Abraham Lincoln said: “I have come to the conclusion that a person can be just about as happy as he decides he wants to be.”
WORD of WARNING….. go to: “Read this Pg 1st” at the top to Create MASSIVE Success !!!

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