The POWER of LANGUAGE – Unveiling The Mysteries Of Success
Well, I did learn several Yrs ago that human communication is a skill or art form & can be learned.
So my began quest. Automatically I got pretty good at the Power of Language for awhile there, cause I was always doing it, but now….. not as good at it.
The Power of Language is also associated with the following form of Communication, which has mostly to do with listening & thinking BEFORE you speak. You can listen with your ears, eyes &/or inner-self (feelings). ALL will give you feedback of HOW folks are perceiving what you’re saying. This is particularly helpful in problem solving.
The interesting part is that when you say something & look into someone’s eyes… you can see whether-or-not they GOT IT !
If they did GET IT – you will see it in their eyes. The same applies to if they did NOT GET IT.
So, if they did NOT GET IT….. then it’s -YOU- who MUST get creative & say the SAME THING – but in a DIFFERENT way !!
And keep getting more creative each time you re-phrase it – until you see the response in their eyes that tells you – THEY GOT IT !!!
Several Yrs after my divorce my X & I were talking. He brought up a situation that he wanted some feed-back on. So I gave him a different perspective on it.
But he did NOT GET what I was saying.
So I said the same thing only in a DIFFERENT way.
But he still did NOT GET IT.
I actually said the same thing about 1 dozen DIFFERENT WAYS = he finally got it.
Now that was an extreme stretch for my creativity. But this is well used in problem solving.
It’s the exact same thing with what David Wood just talked about in the
Unveiling The Mysteries Of Success – the Power of Language
& how it automatically flows as you continue to use it:
read it & speak it…
& of course then, it just comes out naturally !
Now, I’ll be adventuring off into “Unveiling the Mysteries of Success in the Power of Language” with confident expectation – that it will flow automatically !
Of course everything has to do with finding & owning the Natural POWER (that we all have) within us to do whatever we set our mind to / Re-Program Our Mind to.
Know that the Power of Language is at Your Command = all you have to do is develop it & it’s yours to use for life. You already have the ability to do this, it’s within us ALL.
The “Inner Circle” audio David speaks of in “Unveiling The Mysteries Of Success – The POWER of LANGUAGE” says that once you KNOW you HAVE this ability…
it’s simply a matter of giving yourself PERMISSION to use it !!!
that developing the Power of Language is 100% available to you & actually very simple to do.
It’s like developing a muscle in your body…
it’s 100% available to you (you HAVE the muscle)
& actually very simple to do (exercise/use that muscle more often).
It’s all about the little stuff we do daily.
Exercise “YOUR Power of Language Muscle” 2, or 3, or 4 times a day instead of once in awhile !!!
Do that by reading & writing in your posts….. THEN speaking it will start to flow & YOU’LL BECOME A MASTER at it.

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