I want to start sharing a "laugh video"
in future posts also
(we'll see how that goes)
cuz I not only enjoy a laugh video, but often NEED 1.....
to balance out my day
It has been proven by science that laughter is healing, calming, healthy + a natural nutrient for the body, mind & soul of a human being. It's 1 of the Best Things you can do for your body, mind, soul, attitude & life !
Personally it is a requirement of my daily routine..... like brushing my teeth, eating, etc.
My daily attitude is the BASIS of how my day goes & how successful my day is..... & I really like having Good Days !!
So, laughter is always included in my day, even when I spend the day alone. With a large quantity of unforgettable, undeniable funny events in my past - I often just pull 1 of them up & end up laughing out loud about something or another..... cuz it just feels good & it is absolutely sooooo needed for good health & spirit.
How about U ? Can U also use a "laugh video" a day ?
Do U enjoy Happy, Happy Baby Laughter ?
then take a quick look at this laugh video
& let me know "what U think" ?
this is only 3 Mins long
Babies laughter is so pure & so simple..... U can't help but wonder "WHAT'' is goin thru their head to produce this SHEER JOY ?!?
Make sure to leave a comment & let me know about this laugh video.....
Do U make time in Your Day to enjoy a Good Laugh ?
WHAT makes U laugh ?
& WHAT do U think is goin thru this child's mind ?

Share this, Like this, Tweet this.....
& let those U know have a laugh
& a giggle too
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