You Are What You Think book 1
Article #21
My life is an Excellent Adventure from using “You Are What You Think”
Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder
IT IS OUR PAST thoughts that condition our reception of everything we meet in our everyday lives.
Of two people walking down the street, one will see the dirt on the sidewalk while the other notices the flowers in the gardens.
One person would consider losing his job a tragedy. Another would think of it as a challenge to a new beginning.
WHO SEE beauty are bound to have their circumstances improve. Those
who notice only the squalor will find that nothing will change for them
until they change their viewpoint.
Sit quietly and
think what you want from life. What do you want to become ? What do
you want to have ? What traits of character do you feel you lack ?
What is your final goal ?
Try to imagine how you would feel if you
were already in possession of these things. Actually live them and
enjoy them in your thoughts. If you can do this it means they are
possible to achieve ! Now you are ready to take steps to make your
aspirations come true.
THE FIRST THING you must do is to count the
blessings you already have ! Do this literally. Make a list of them,
concentrate on them, and add to the list every day.
There is a “law” that says if you want something better than you have, you must first make the best of what you already do have.
you believe that in order to be happy you must have a nicer hone, fix
up the one you are now living in to the best of your ability.
If you think you are deserving of a better job, do your best in your present job.
CAN NOT sit back and do nothing and expect our circumstances to
improve. Improvement will come once we have learned to do the best with
what we have.
We expect Life to do better by us, but we don’t do enough with what Life has already given us !
that everything is a matter of degree. It has been said that the
person with no shoes feels sorry for himself until he sees a person with
no feet.
IF WE WANT our conditions to improve, there is one requisite that Life demands of us. It is that we take the first step.
is another of the great natural laws. Although it can be found
throughout both Eastern and Western scriptures, it has gone virtually
unnoticed. As with many of these truths, they are so simple we feel we
have to enlarge upon them, embellish them to make them more complicated,
instead of accepting them as originally presented.
This law is that if a person will take the first step in the direction
of his “higher self” his “higher self” will take nine toward him.
OTHER WORDS are used to denote the higher self. God, the Almighty,
Guru, the Overself, the Superconscious, etc. Use whatever word you
wish, as long as you realize that there is something within you that is
greater than you have expressed until now. Take a step in that
direction ! When we decide to do something positive with our lives, the
change is immediate.
A convict named Jack is a goo example of the
working of this Law. He is past middle-age and has been in prison for
more that 10 years. Four months ago he had absolutely no hope. The
only future he could foresee for himself was gradual deterioration and a
death that he would have welcomed.
I told him if he would take
just one step in the direction of his self-improvement, he would be
amazed at the results. Although it took a tremendous mental effort, he
agreed to enroll in the prison educational program. This one step
automatically put positive forces in motion (as the scriptures promise)
that have changed his life completely.
HE HAS HAD magazine articles accepted, is working on the prison newspaper, and has found he has previously undreamed of talents.
Four months ago he was living like a vegetable.
to say, when something dramatic happens in a life, it doesn’t stop with
the one life. Others have been inspired by Jack’s example to do the
same. Many lives will be changed because one man decided to take the
first step in the direction of his “higher self.”
OF US is as bad as he might be, or as good as he could be. You can’t
stand still. You must go in either one direction or the other. You
have the freedom to choose. If you decide to go in the direction of
your own betterment, unexpected help appears almost miraculously.
convicts tell me that their greatest regret is that they didn’t realize
their potential. They wasted so many years because they felt they were
somehow limited in what they were capable of doing, so they took what
they felt was the easy way.
“I am the way the Lord made me, and
there is nothing I can do about it.” That is one of the greatest myths
perpetuated upon mankind.
You must take the first step.
YOUR POTENTIAL will become the actual.
WORD of WARNING….. go to: “Read this Pg 1st” at the top to Create MASSIVE Success !!!

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