You Are What You Think book 1
Article #22
My life is an Excellent Adventure from using “You Are What You Think”
Tuning Your Mind Into Success
DO NOT have to rely on will power alone to reach the goals you have set
for yourself. If the desire to succeed is strong enough, a tremendous
amount of will power isn’t necessary.
you have failed repeatedly in your efforts to stop smoking or to lose
weight, for example, it is because you are not using your power of
thought. You can attain any goal you set for yourself, but you must
learn to control your thoughts first.
The day you
decide to overcome habits that are detrimental to you should be the
happiest day in your life. Instead, it is usually one of the most
IF YOU ARE like most of us, all you think about are the
difficulties you are going to experience. Consequently you start by
feeling sorry for yourself.
“How can I go without the desserts I love so much ?”
“How am I going to do without a cigarette with my coffee or cocktail ?”
“Why does this have to happen to me, that I must deprive myself of the things I like so much ?”
TEACHERS who understand the workings of the mind and human nature know
the methods to help their students attain their goals. They realize we
live in a mental world, and if people have habits they would like to
overcome, or character traits they would like to develop, there first
must be a strong desire to succeed.
Most of us lack this strong
desire, so it must be developed before the program is started. If the
wish to succeed isn’t there, it is unlikely that our efforts will be
equal to the task.
these teachers instruct their students in the methods to build up the
needed desire they know they must first teach them to control, and
attain mastery over, their thoughts.
ABSOLUTELY necessary that you learn to direct your thinking into the
channels that you deliberately choose. It takes practice, as does
anything worth attaining. If you succeed, nothing will be out of your
One method is to compare your mind to your home. You would
not allow undesirable elements to enter your home if you could prevent
it. Why then, allow undesirable thoughts to enter your mind ? Every
time a thought attempts to enter that you feel would be detrimental to
you, send it on its way. If you start to make a negative statement or think an undesirable thought, reverse it immediately !
AN EARLIER column I suggested making a game of this with the family.
Every time someone says something negative, “I can’t,”’ “I won’t,” “I
don’t like,” etc. have them put a nickel in a jar. This will be fun,
and will make the whole family more aware of the importance of their
Remember that you can only think one thought at a time.
Try to have only thoughts that will contribute to your happiness and
well being. Don’t dwell on imperfections, or on things you don’t want.
you will discover that it is becoming easier to control your thoughts.
When this time arrives you are ready to put this newly-acquired control
to work to help you make the desired changes in your life.
LOOK into your life and see what you are doing that will ultimately be
harmful to you. Let us suppose that you eat too much of the wrong
foods, or drink or smoke too much. (Use any example that suits you)
to yourself, not at the moment of enjoyment, but when you are quiet and
in a thoughtful mood, “What will be the result if I give way to this ?
Will I gradually become less attractive ? Will my health deteriorate
? Will I have less energy ? Will my life become more dull and
unexciting ?
“I will stop what I am doing, because it leads to suffering and unhappiness in the long run.”
By that thought, and not by will power, you begin to control your desires.
THOUGHT you mentally picture the disastrous results of the habit, and
breed a disgust for it. You deliberately make up your mind not to yield
to a passing pleasure which brings unwanted conditions as a result.
Don’t feel sorry for yourself. Face each day with joyful anticipation, knowing that each day brings you closer to your goal.
you can’t seem to generate enough desire to begin, here is what to do:
Let your newly-trained mind dwell constantly on the way you would feel
and look if your goal were already an accomplished fact.
GOAL is a weight loss, imagine the joy of looking in the mirror, and
seeing an attractive figure. Actually hear your friends telling you how
wonderful you look. Act it out in your mind, then move and walk as a
slender person would.
If you wish to stop smoking, let your mind
dwell constantly on the benefits to be derived from not smoking; a fresh
tasting mouth, the ability to take a deep breath without coughing,
increased energy, etc.
Once started on your program don’t under
any circumstances allow your mind to dwell on the things you are giving
up. You are not giving up anything if it has been keeping you from your
highest potential.
Instead of being discontented with what you are, make up your mind to be ‘that’ which you want to be.
WORD of WARNING….. go to: “Read this Pg 1st” at the top to Create MASSIVE Success !!!

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